ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quillen metric

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of something called a "metric"? It's a way to measure how long or how far apart things are. Like when we measure how many inches from one end of a ruler to the other end.

Well, a "Quillen Metric" is a special type of metric that helps us measure things in a really cool way. It's named after a mathematician named Quillen who came up with this idea.

You see, sometimes we want to measure things that might be a little weird or hard to measure with a regular metric. Quillen Metric helps us do that. It works kind of like a map that tells us how to get from one place to another place in the most efficient way possible.

But it's not just for maps! It's also used in something called algebraic topology which is like a puzzle game for mathematicians. They use it to solve problems that might be too tricky to solve with regular math.

So basically, Quillen Metric is a really helpful tool that helps us measure things and solve problems in a new and exciting way. Kind of like a secret superhero power that only math wizards can use!