ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

RAM compression

Alright kiddo, let me tell you about ram compression!

You know how sometimes when you have too many toys in your room, it can get cluttered and hard to move around? Well, the same thing can happen with a computer's memory. The more things you have open and running on your computer, the more it can slow down and get bogged down.

That's where ram compression comes in! It's like having a special toy box that can squish your toys down and make more room in your room. Ram compression squishes down the information in your computer's memory so that more things can fit, without slowing down your computer.

Think of it like squeezing a big, fluffy pillow really tightly - it might feel smaller, but it's still just as comfy and useful. When your computer uses ram compression, it can still access all the information it needs, just like you can still use your favorite toy even if it's squished down in the toy box.

So, in short - ram compression helps your computer make more room in its memory, so it can keep running smoothly even with lots of things going on at once.