ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Relax NG is a tool that helps you to check if things are the way they should be. Just like how your mom might make a list to check if everything is ready for your trip to the park. It's called "Relax" because it helps us feel more relaxed knowing that everything is in order.

Now, sometimes people need to write a lot of information down, like when they're making a big report on animals. Relax NG helps make sure that the information is all correct and in the right order so that everyone who reads it can understand it easily.

It does this by using a special language or code called XML code, which is like a secret code that computers can read but humans might not understand. So, when someone writes a lot of information down in XML code, Relax NG checks if everything makes sense and is in the right order, just like how your mom checks if everything is packed in the right place before you go to the park.

Relax NG is like your personal assistant who makes sure everything is perfect before you show it to other people.