ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

RETMA tube designation

A retma tube designation is a system that helps people figure out what kind of picture tube a TV or monitor uses.

Imagine you have a bunch of different toys. You might have toy cars, toy dolls, toy blocks, and so on. They are all different, but you can tell them apart because they have names or labels on them.

It's the same with TV and computer screens. They come in different types, but they all need to be labeled so people know what they are looking at.

The retma tube designation is a way of labeling TV and computer screens that was developed by an organization called RETMA (Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers' Association). The idea is that every screen has a code that describes its size, shape, and other important features.

Here is an example: let's say you have a TV with a retma tube designation of P22. This means that it uses a picture tube with a diagonal size of 22 inches, and that the tube has a certain kind of electron gun inside that helps make the picture.

There are lots of different retma tube designations for different kinds of screens, and they can get pretty complicated. But the basic idea is that they help people identify and compare different types of screens.