ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


RGBy stands for Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Imagine you have four magic crayons that can create any color you want. The first crayon is red, the second crayon is green and the third crayon is blue. These three colors are called primary colors. When you draw with these three colors, you can create a lot of new colors depending on how much you use of each one.

Now, the fourth crayon is yellow. Yellow is a very special color because when you mix it with red, you get orange. And when you mix it with green, you get yellow-green. This means that yellow can help you create even more colors!

RGBy is important because it is the color system used in many electronic devices such as TVs, computers and smartphones. The screens of these devices use tiny dots called pixels to create images. Each pixel is made up of four smaller dots that are red, green, blue and yellow. By combining these four colors at different levels, the screen can display millions of different colors and create beautiful images for us to see.