ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Roam is like having a magic notebook that helps you remember everything you have written, even if you wrote it a long time ago. It's a tool that you can use to take notes or write down ideas, and it helps you organize them in a way that makes sense to you.

The cool thing about Roam is that it uses something called a "graph database" to store all your notes. That sounds pretty fancy, but basically, it means that every note you make is like a little puzzle piece, and Roam puts all these puzzle pieces together in a way that helps you see how they fit.

When you add new notes in Roam, it looks for other notes that might be related to what you wrote. So if you write about "dogs", Roam will show you other notes you've made about "pets" or "animals." This can help you find connections between different ideas and build a bigger picture of what you're trying to learn or create.

You can also use Roam to create "pages" that group together all your notes on a particular topic. Think of a page like a folder on your computer or tablet, but instead of just having files in the folder, you have lots of little notes that you can easily search and organize.

Overall, Roam is a really handy tool for keeping track of ideas and notes. It helps you see how things fit together and makes it easier to find what you need, even if you wrote it months ago.