ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what is romag! Romag is a type of magnet that is used in many things like generators, motors, and even in some toys!

You know how magnets stick to metal, right? Well, a romag is made up of little pieces of metal that are put together in a certain way to make a big magnet. It's like putting together a puzzle!

When electricity flows through a romag, it makes the little pieces of metal become magnetic and they stick together really strongly. This means that a romag can be used to create motion, like in a motor or generator, or even to help keep things secure, like in a toy that needs a magnet to hold different parts together.

So basically, a romag is a special kind of magnet that is made up of tiny pieces of metal and can be used to create movement or hold things together. Cool, right?