ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Racewood is a type of material that is used to make things that look and feel like real wood, but are actually made out of plastic. It's often used to make things like horse jumps or other obstacles that horses can jump over during races.

Think of it like play dough - when you shape it, it can take on any form you want. Racewood is similar, but instead of being a clay that you sculpt, it's more like a plastic that is molded into the shape you want. Once it's molded, it's very strong and sturdy, so it can withstand the weight of a horse jumping over it without breaking easily.

So if you go to a horse race and see those pretty jumps that the horses are jumping over, chances are good that they are made out of racewood. Even though they don't look like real wood, they work just as well and are a lot easier to work with since they're lightweight and easy to move around.