ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radio Electronic Token Block

Okay kiddo, so you know how trains need to stay a safe distance apart so they don't crash into each other? Well, radio electronic token block is kind of like a game of hot potato between train drivers and a fancy computer system.

Imagine that each train driver has a special potato (or token) that they need to pass to the next driver as their train goes along the tracks. But they can only pass the potato if there's a special computer system that says it's safe for them to do so.

This computer system uses radio waves to talk to different parts of the train tracks and keeps track of where all the trains are. It also knows how fast each train can go and how long it will take them to get from one spot to another.

So when a train driver wants to pass their potato to the next driver, they press a button that tells the computer system they want to do it. The computer then tells the next driver that they can catch the potato and keeps track of both trains until they're safely apart again.

Just like playing a game of hot potato, the radio electronic token block system stops all the train drivers from getting too close to each other and causing a big mess.