ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radio calisthenics

Hi there! Have you heard of radio calisthenics? It's like exercising along with music on the radio. Do you like to dance or move your body to music? Well, radio calisthenics helps you exercise while listening to fun music!

Basically, there is someone on the radio who tells you what exercises to do, like jumping jacks, squats, or stretches. You can do the exercises at home, outside, or even at school. It's really good for your body because it helps keep you healthy and strong.

You know how sometimes our bodies need rest? Well, radio calisthenics can also help you relax and calm down. The music can be slow and soothing, which can help you feel really peaceful.

So, radio calisthenics is a really fun way to exercise and stay healthy while listening to music on the radio! Isn't that cool?
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