ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radio frequency power transmission

Okay kiddo, so you know how you can plug in your tablet or toy to a charger using a cable to charge it? Well, sometimes it is not possible to use a cable to power something like a small toy robot or a drone in the sky. In such cases, scientists use something called radio frequency power transmission to send power to the toy or robot wirelessly.

Radio frequency power transmission is kind of like when you throw a ball to a friend. You use your arms to make the ball go from your hand to your friend's hand. But instead of using your arms, we use special machines called antennas to send power from one place to another without any wires.

These antennas are like superhero robots that can send power signals using invisible waves called radio waves. These waves are similar to the ones your favorite radio station uses to send music into your car radio. But in this case, we use the radio waves to send power instead of music.

When the radio waves reach the toy or robot, they have a special receiver that can catch these waves and convert them into electrical power that powers the toy. It is kind of like when you catch a ball with your hands. You grab it and use it for fun.

Radio frequency power transmission is a great option when we cannot use wires to charge something that's far away, like a toy that's spinning in the sky or exploring hard-to-reach places. So, just remember the next time you play with a toy robot or fly a drone, it might be getting its power wirelessly through radio waves.