ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radio over IP

Okay kiddo, so you know how we can talk to people on the phone even if they're far away from us? Well, sometimes we want to talk to people who are really, really far away – like in a different country or even on the other side of the world! That's where Radio over IP comes in.

Radio over IP, or RoIP for short, is when we use the internet to send and receive radio signals instead of using traditional radio equipment. It's like a big telephone line for radios!

Here's how it works: First, we need a special device called a RoIP gateway. This device connects to the internet and also to a radio antenna. When we want to talk to someone using a radio, we use the gateway to send our voice over the internet and it comes out of the other person's radio like magic!

But wait, there's more! RoIP doesn't just let us talk to people on radios far away. We can also do things like listen to music or get emergency alerts using RoIP. Plus, we can use RoIP to connect lots of different radios together, so a whole group of people can talk to each other at the same time.

Overall, Radio over IP is a really cool way to use technology to connect with people far away and make sure we stay safe and informed.