ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Railroad Wars

Alright kiddo, so let me tell you about railroad wars! So back in the olden days, when people wanted to travel or transport goods from one place to another, they used trains. And companies that owned the trains were called railroads.

Now, in some places, there were multiple railroad companies trying to build tracks and get more customers. And these companies didn't always get along too well. In fact, they sometimes got into what we call "railroad wars."

Basically, the companies would compete with each other by building tracks really close together. This made it harder for the other company to get customers because the tracks were so crowded. Sometimes they would even tear each other's tracks up or sabotage each other's trains!

It wasn't very nice or fair, but the companies were really determined to be the best and make the most money. They were like two kids fighting over the same toy.

Eventually, the government had to step in and make rules to stop the railroad wars. But for a while there, things could get pretty crazy in the railroad industry.