ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Raj Ghat and associated memorials

Raj Ghat is a special place in India where people go to pay their respects to a man named Mahatma Gandhi. He was a very important person who lived a long time ago and worked hard to bring freedom and equality to India. He was a peaceful man who believed in non-violence and treated everyone with respect.

When you go to Raj Ghat, you will see a black marble platform where Mahatma Gandhi's ashes are kept. People from all over the world come to this place to pay their respects to him and leave flowers or candles as a sign of their love and admiration.

In addition to Raj Ghat, there are other memorials in the complex that honor other important people in Indian history. For example, there is a memorial for Jawaharlal Nehru, who was an important Indian leader and helped to shape the country after it gained independence from Britain.

There is also a memorial for Indira Gandhi, another important Indian leader who was the first female Prime Minister of India. She worked for the rights of women and created many programs to help poor people.

So, Raj Ghat and the associated memorials are places where people can go to honor and remember important people who made a big difference in India's history.