ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rake (Australian TV series)

Rake is a TV series where we follow the life of a guy named Cleaver Greene. He's a really interesting character because he's a lawyer, but also he's kind of a mess. He does things that are bad or silly, but they are also really funny!

Now, a lawyer is someone who helps people solve problems with the law. Like if you get into trouble because you broke a rule (like stealing or hurting someone), a lawyer can help you argue your case in a court, which is like a big room where people in charge of the law decide if you are guilty or not.

But Cleaver doesn't always work on cases that are straightforward or easy to solve. He often takes on cases that seem impossible or super weird. For example, in one episode, he defends a cannibal because the guy said he only ate someone because they asked him to. It sounds really strange and a bit scary, right?

Throughout the show, we also see Cleaver have a lot of problems in his personal life. He has a bit of a drinking problem and spends a lot of time with women who aren't his wife.

So, Rake is a TV show that's full of funny and outlandish situations involving a lawyer who is kind of a mess. It's not necessarily a show for little kids to watch, but it's definitely something that adults could enjoy!