ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ramon Llull

Ramon Llull was a very smart person who lived a long time ago in a place called Catalonia, which is now part of Spain. He was a writer, a poet, and a philosopher who wrote many books about important things like God and how to live a good life.

One of the things that Ramon Llull is most famous for is his invention of a special kind of tool called a "thinking machine". It was like a board with spinning circles and shapes on it that could help people think about things in a different way.

Ramon Llull was also very interested in different languages and wanted to help people from different countries understand each other better. He learned many languages himself, and he even made up a special kind of language that he thought would be easy for everyone to understand.

He was also interested in helping people who weren't Christian learn about Christianity, and he wrote many books about this. He wanted to find ways to explain important Christian ideas in ways that people who weren't Christian could understand.

Overall, Ramon Llull was a very smart and creative person who wanted to use his talents and knowledge to make the world a better place. His ideas helped to influence many people who came after him, and he is still remembered and celebrated today for his many contributions to philosophy, language, and education.