ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Raven (mythology)

In some old stories and legends, people used to believe in a creature called a raven. A raven is a bird that looks a bit like a crow, but it is bigger and has shiny black feathers. In mythology, the raven was often seen as a special bird that had magical powers and could do special things.

In some cultures, the raven was said to be a messenger between the human world and the spirit world. This means that people thought the raven could carry messages from people who had died to the living world. Other people believed that the raven had special powers of foresight, meaning they could see into the future and predict things that were going to happen.

Some stories also say that the raven played an important role in creating the world. In some Native American cultures, it is said that the raven created the world by carrying a ball of light in its beak and dropping it in the darkness, creating the sun and moon and stars.

Overall, the raven has played an important role in many different cultures and mythologies around the world. Though it is only a bird, it has been seen as a powerful and magical creature with many special abilities.