ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ravenscar profile

Okay, kiddo, imagine you have a very special toy that you can only play with in a certain way. You have to follow the rules or the toy won't work properly! That's kind of like the Ravenscar Profile.

The Ravenscar Profile is a set of rules for programming that helps keep things simple and efficient. It's like having a guidebook that tells you exactly what to do in order to make your program work the best it can.

One of the rules is that you can only use a certain type of programming language called "Ada". This language is special because it has built-in features that help keep your program organized and easy to understand.

Another rule is that you have to limit the amount of memory your program uses. This means you have to be careful about how much "stuff" you ask your computer to remember. By doing this, you can make sure your program runs quickly and doesn't have any errors.

So, overall, the Ravenscar Profile is like a set of instructions on how to program in a special way that makes your computer work better. It helps you organize your code and use memory efficiently so your program runs smoothly.