ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rawda Khwani

Rawda khwani is a special practice that is often done by Muslims, especially in some cultures like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. It involves visiting the graves of loved ones, family members, and friends who have died and passed away to remember and honor them.

During the practice of rawda khwani, people usually gather around the graves of their loved ones and recite verses from the Quran and offer prayers for their forgiveness and blessings. They also talk about their memories and share stories about their loved ones as a way to keep their memories alive.

It is important to understand that in Islam, death is not seen as the end, but rather a transition from this life to the next. Rawda khwani is a way to show respect and love to those who have passed away and to keep their memory alive by visiting their graves and seeking their blessings.

In summary, rawda khwani is a special practice that Muslims do to remember and honor their loved ones who have passed away. It involves visiting their graves, reciting verses from the Quran, offering prayers and seeking their blessings. It is a way to keep the memories of their loved ones alive and to show them respect and love even after their physical presence is gone.