ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Razor (philosophy)

Razor philosophy is a way of thinking that says we should stick to ideas that are simpler and easier to understand unless we have really good reasons not to. It's like when you're trying to solve a puzzle and you start with the easiest pieces first, because it's easier to figure out what they fit with than the harder ones.

In Razor philosophy, we try to avoid making things more complicated than they need to be. We try to make our explanations and ideas as simple and clear as possible so that everyone can understand them. Think of it like trying to explain something to a little kid who doesn't know a lot yet. You wouldn't use big words or complicated ideas, you would use simpler words and examples that they can relate to.

The idea behind Razor philosophy is that if we stick to simple ideas, we are more likely to be right. When we start to add in more and more complicated ideas, we can get confused and might make mistakes. Also, if something is too complicated, it might be hard for people to understand or believe, and they might not want to listen to us or trust us.

So, Razor philosophy is like a tool that helps us simplify our thinking and explanations. It helps us focus on the most important ideas and disregard anything that is too complex or unnecessary. This way, we can better understand the world around us and make informed decisions based on what we know to be true.