ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so sometimes when we use a computer or a phone, things can go wrong and the program or app we're using stops working, just like when a toy breaks. When this happens, we might need to start everything again, just like shaking a toy to fix it.

This is what we call a "re:start". It's like pressing the reset button on a toy or a game so that everything starts fresh, without any problems that might have caused it to stop working.

When we re:start something, we're basically telling our computer or phone to turn off everything and then turn it back on again. This can help fix any glitches, bugs or errors that might have caused a program to freeze or crash. It's like giving the program a fresh start, just like starting a game from the beginning.

So, when something is not working right, and you need to fix it, you can try to re:start it. It's an easy way to troubleshoot any issues you might have, and it's kind of like magic because sometimes it works like a charm!