ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Records of prime ministers of the United Kingdom

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom! A Prime Minister is like the boss of the country - they help make important decisions and lead the government.

Now, when a person becomes the Prime Minister, we like to keep track of all the important things they do while they're in charge. We call these things "records."

These records can include speeches they make, laws they pass, and even things they say in private meetings.

We keep these records so that people can learn about what their Prime Minister did during their time in power. It's like taking notes in school - we keep them so we can remember what we learned later on.

The records of Prime Ministers are very important because they help us understand how our country has changed over time. We can look back at the decisions they made and see how they affected different parts of our country.

So even though it might seem a little boring, keeping records of Prime Ministers is actually really important for understanding our history and how our government works.