ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Red box (phreaking)

Do you know what a phone line is? It’s like a big string that connects someone’s phone to another person’s phone, kind of like how a spider web connects different parts of a spider’s home.

Now, do you know what a payphone is? It’s like a special phone that people use to pay money to make a call. Sometimes, people would try to trick the payphone into giving them a free call, and one way they did this was by using something called a red box.

A red box is a little electronic device that makes noises that sound like the coins you put in a payphone to make a call. So, pretending like they were putting coins in, someone could use the red box to trick the payphone into thinking they had paid for the call, even though they didn’t actually put any coins in at all.

Now, we know it’s not very nice to trick people or machines into giving us something for free that we’re supposed to pay for. In fact, it’s against the law! So, we shouldn’t use red boxes or any other tricks like that. Instead, we should always use our allowance or ask our parents for permission to make a call on a phone. Remember, honesty is the best policy!