ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Redeemer (Christianity)

So, imagine that you and your friend were playing a game and your friend accidentally broke a toy that belonged to you. You feel sad and maybe even angry because it was something that you loved and cared about.

Now, in the Christian religion, people believe that when we do things that go against God's rules (called sins), it's like breaking a toy that belongs to God. God loves us and wants us to be happy, but when we sin, it causes a separation between us and God, like a big wall.

This is where the redeemer comes in. A redeemer is someone who helps to fix the problem caused by sin, just like if your friend offered to fix the toy they broke. In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the redeemer who came to fix the separation that sin caused between God and people.

Jesus did this by dying on a cross and taking the punishment for our sins. This means that instead of us having to suffer the consequences of our sins, Jesus suffered for us. He also rose from the dead, showing that he had power over death and sin.

So, because of Jesus, we can be forgiven for our sins and have a restored relationship with God. It's like the wall between us and God has been torn down and we can be close to God again. That's why Jesus is called the redeemer in Christianity.