ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reductive art

Hello kiddo! Today we will talk about something called reductive art.

Reductive art is a type of artwork where the artist takes out as much detail and removes anything that's not important. It's like when you're drawing a picture and you realize that you can make it look better by erasing some lines.

For example, think of a picture of a bird. Usually, when you draw a bird, you would include its feathers, beak, and eyes. But in reductive art, the artist might only draw the outline of the bird, leaving out all the details that make it look like a bird.

This type of art is often very simple and minimalistic, which means that it's not complicated or fancy. It focuses on the most basic elements and uses them to create something beautiful.

Sometimes reductive art is also called minimalist art, because it uses a minimal amount of detail. The idea behind this type of art is to simplify things and make them easier to understand.

So, that's reductive art in a nutshell. It's a style of art where artists take out anything they think is unnecessary to create a simple, beautiful image.