ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reeve (England)

Okay, so imagine you and your friends are going to play a game, like "Tag". But before you start playing, you need to decide who's going to be the leader, or "reeve", of the game. The reeve is the one who decides the rules and makes sure everyone plays fair.

Now, a long time ago in England, there were towns and villages that needed someone to be in charge and make sure things ran smoothly. This person was called the reeve. The reeve was chosen by the people in the town or village - just like how you and your friends chose a leader for your game.

The reeve's job was to make sure everyone followed the laws and rules of the town. They were in charge of collecting taxes and making sure everyone paid their fair share. They also had to make sure the fields were plowed and the crops were harvested. You know how your teacher is in charge of your class and makes sure everyone is learning and following the rules? That's kind of like what the reeve did for the town.

Sometimes, the reeve had to make tough decisions. For example, if someone in the town broke a law, the reeve would have to decide what punishment they should get. And if there was a dispute between two people, the reeve would have to listen to both sides and decide who was right.

Being a reeve was an important job, but it was also a lot of work! The reeve had to be fair and honest, and make decisions that were best for everyone in the town. And just like your game of "Tag", the reeve was in charge and making sure everyone followed the rules.