ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reflection principle

The reflection principle is like a magic trick that helps us solve problems in math. Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. When you look in the mirror, you can see your reflection. Your reflection is like a mirror image of yourself, but it is flipped backwards.

In math, we use the reflection principle to solve problems by imagining that the mirror is a line that we can reflect our problem across. This is called the line of reflection. When we reflect a problem across this line, we get a new problem that is like the old one, but flipped across the line.

For example, if we have a problem that asks us to find the probability of flipping a fair coin and getting heads, we can use the reflection principle to help us solve it. We imagine that the line of reflection is the line that goes through the middle of the coin, dividing it into two halves.

When we reflect the problem across this line of reflection, we get a new problem: what is the probability of flipping a fair coin and getting tails? Because the coin only has two sides, and they are equally likely, the probability of getting heads is the same as the probability of getting tails.

We can use the reflection principle to solve many different kinds of math problems, from probability to geometry to calculus. By imagining that we can reflect the problem across a line, we can simplify it and make it easier to solve. So next time you have a tricky math problem, try using the reflection principle and see if it helps you find the answer!