Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the way people in Russia write their words, and how they've changed it a few times.
So, every language has its own set of letters and sounds that make up the words. For example, in English we have the letters A, B, C, etc. and they make different sounds depending on how we put them together.
Now, a long time ago, people in Russia were using a certain way of writing their words, but over time, things changed and they decided to make some improvements. They wanted to make it easier for people to read and write, and to make the language more modern.
One big change they made was getting rid of some letters that didn't really need to be there. They also changed how some letters were pronounced - kind of like saying a 't' sound instead of a 'd' sound.
Another cool thing they did was make spelling more consistent. That means they made sure that words were spelled the same way every time, instead of different people writing them differently.
Now, sometimes when you change things like this, it can make people upset. But in the end, these changes made it easier for people to communicate with each other, and that's always a good thing!