ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regimental police

Regimental police are like the protectors of a special group of people called a regiment. Imagine you are part of a secret club and you want to keep your club safe from outsiders who might cause trouble. You would need some people who could make sure everyone follows the rules and keep the club safe. That is a bit like what regimental police do.

In the same way, soldiers who belong to an army regiment need protection too. Regimental police are there to keep soldiers safe and make sure they don't break any rules. They help keep things orderly and safe in the regiment.

For example, imagine you are playing a game with your friends, but some kids are not playing fairly or nicely, and they might be hurting other kids' feelings. The game would be no fun if there were no rules to follow, or if there was no one there to stop the bullies from spoiling the game. Regimental police make sure that everyone in the regiment follows the rules so nobody gets hurt, and everyone can have fun together.

Regimental police can help with things like making sure people follow orders, keeping firearms safe, and arresting people who break the rules. They are like the guardians of the regiment, making sure everyone is happy and safe when they're together.