ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regular temperament

Have you ever heard of something called regular temperament? It has to do with music and how people decide what notes to use in a song.

You know how there are different sounds for different notes you play on a piano? Well, regular temperament is a way to make sure that all the notes in a song sound good together.

It’s like making sure all the colors in your coloring book look nice when you color them next to each other.

To do this, people use something called a scale. A scale is basically a group of notes that are all related to each other.

In regular temperament, people use an equal temperament scale. This means that they divide the distance between each note in the scale into equal parts, kind of like how you divide up a pizza to share with your friends.

This might sound boring, but it actually makes the music sound really nice and balanced. It’s like making sure all the pieces of a puzzle fit together perfectly.

So, regular temperament is a way to make sure that all the notes in a song sound good together by using an equal temperament scale. It’s like coloring in your coloring book or putting together a puzzle - everything needs to fit together nicely to make it look and sound good.