ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States

Okay kiddo, so the United States has a lot of soldiers who protect our country, and in order for them to work together and stay organized, there are rules they have to follow called regulations. These regulations tell the soldiers things like how to march in formation, how to wear their uniforms, and how to salute their superiors.

There are lots of different regulations for different situations. For example, if the soldiers are in combat, they have to know how to work as a team to fight the enemy. If they are training, they have to follow certain procedures to make sure they are ready for real-life situations.

It's important for the soldiers to follow these regulations because it keeps them safe and helps them be successful in their missions. And when soldiers do a good job following the regulations, they earn respect from their fellow soldiers, their superiors, and from the American people.