ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reindeer in Russia

Okay kiddo, let's talk about reindeer in Russia. Reindeer are big animals that live in cold places with lots of snow, like Russia. They have big antlers on their heads that grow every year and can be used for fighting or for digging in the snow. Reindeer are also very important to the people who live in Russia, especially the nomadic people who move around a lot.

These people, called Nenets or Sami, have been taking care of reindeer for thousands of years. They use them for food, clothing, and transportation. Reindeer can also help with things like pulling sleds and breaking through the ice on rivers. In fact, the Nenets people rely on reindeer so much that they call them their "spirit animals."

In Russia, there are lots of reindeer that live in the wild, but there are also some that are domesticated, which means they are kept by people. The domesticated reindeer are usually herded by the Nenets people. This means they are guided to different places to find food and water. Herding is a big job and requires lots of hard work and knowledge of the land.

Reindeer are also really important to the culture of Russia. They are featured in lots of art, music, and stories. One big event that celebrates reindeer is the Reindeer Herders' Day, which happens every year in the city of Salekhard. People dress up in traditional clothes and perform dances and songs that tell the story of the reindeer.

So, to sum it up, reindeer are big animals that live in cold places like Russia. They are important to the people who live there for their food, clothing, and transportation. They are also really important to the culture of Russia and are celebrated in lots of ways, like Reindeer Herders' Day.