Alright kiddo, let me explain what "Relentless: The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East" is all about.
You know how sometimes people don't get along with each other and fight a lot? Well, that's what has been happening for a long time between countries and people in the Middle East. They have been fighting over things like land, religion, and power.
The book "Relentless" talks about how some people are trying really hard to find a way to make peace in the Middle East. It tells the story of some of the people who are working towards peace, even though it's really hard.
They talk about how there have been wars and violence in the past, but some people are still working to make things better. They work on talking to each other, trying to understand each other's point of view, and finding solutions to problems instead of fighting.
The book shows that even though it can be really difficult to make peace, it is still possible. It also helps people understand more about what is happening in the Middle East and why it's important to try to make peace.