ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religion in politics

Religion is like a big belief system that some people follow to help guide them in life. Politics is when people make decisions about how things should be done in a country or community. Sometimes, people use their religious beliefs to make these decisions.

For example, some people believe that all humans are equal because their religion teaches them to love and respect everyone. This idea might influence them to support laws that protect the rights of all people, even if they are different from themselves.

However, not everyone believes the same things. Someone else might believe that their religion is the only true one, and that others are wrong. They might use their beliefs to try and make everyone else follow the same religion as them, and make laws that reflect their beliefs.

This is where the issue becomes complicated because making laws based on just one religion can create problems for people who do not follow that religion. It might make them feel excluded or treated unfairly. This is why many countries have a separation between religion and politics to ensure that everyone's rights are protected, regardless of their beliefs.
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