ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious Society of Friends

Okay, let me explain to you what a "Religious Society of Friends" is like you're five!

So, you know that some people like to believe in God or some higher power, right? Well, a Religious Society of Friends is a community of people who believe in God too, but they don't have a big fancy church like other religions.

Instead, they have a special place called a "Meetinghouse" where they all gather to worship and pray together. The Meetinghouse is usually a plain and simple building without any statues or fancy decorations.

When they have their meetings, they sit quietly and reflect on their own thoughts, while sometimes someone stands up and talks about what they believe or what they learned from their own experiences. They also might sing hymns, but they don't have any instruments like organs or guitars.

But one of the really special things about the Religious Society of Friends is that they believe everyone is equal and should be treated with respect, no matter what they look like or where they come from. They also believe in being honest and helping others whenever they can.

So that's a brief explanation of what a Religious Society of Friends is. They're kind of like other religions, but they keep things simple, believe everyone is equal, and gather together in a plain and quiet meetinghouse.