ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious minorities in Iran

Well, imagine you are in a big group of friends. Everyone laughs, talks and has fun together. But some friends are a little bit different from others. Some like different types of music, some like different foods, and some believe in different things. This is kind of like religious minorities in Iran.

In Iran, most of the people are Muslims, which means they pray to Allah and follow the teachings of the Quran. But there are also some people who believe in other religions. They are called religious minorities. Some of the religious minorities in Iran are Zoroastrians, Christians, Jews, and Bahá'ís.

These people like to practice their own religion and worship in their own way. For example, Christians go to church and sing hymns, while Zoroastrians light fire and recite prayers. The problem is that sometimes, the majority of the people in Iran do not like when the religious minorities do things differently. They might make fun of them or try to stop them from practicing their religion.

This is not fair, because just like in the group of friends we talked about, everyone should be allowed to have their own beliefs and worship in their own way. So, the government in Iran has made some rules to protect the rights of religious minorities. They have allowed some churches and temples to be built, and some schools to be run by religious minorities.

Still, sometimes religious minorities face discrimination or are not treated equally. But by learning about each other's beliefs and cultures, we can all learn to respect and accept one another.