ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious name

A religious name is a special name that some people choose or are given when they become a part of a religious group or community. It's like a nickname that shows that they are a member of that group or community and that they have promised to follow certain beliefs and values that are important in that religion.

For example, if you are a Catholic, you might choose or be given a religious name when you become a nun or priest. This name might be the name of a saint or a Biblical figure, like Saint Mary or Saint Christopher. This name will remind you and others that you have made a commitment to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church and to live a life of service to others.

In some religions, such as Sikhism, all members take on the same religious name, like Singh or Kaur, which means "lion" and "princess," respectively. This serves as a symbol of unity and equality among the members of the community.

Overall, a religious name is a way to show that you belong to a particular faith and that you are committed to living your life in a certain way according to the beliefs and values of that faith.