ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious text

Religious texts are books that people use to understand and practice their religion. They are like special guidebooks that tell people what to believe in, how to pray, and how to live their lives in a way that follows their religion's teachings. Just like how story books have characters and plots, religious texts also have stories that teach important lessons and values.

Different religions have their own religious texts. For example, in Christianity, the Bible is the religious text. It tells the story of Jesus and his teachings. In Islam, the Quran is the religious text. It provides guidance on how Muslims should live their lives.

People read religious texts to learn about their religion and to connect with their faith. It helps them to understand what is right and wrong, and how to be a good person. Religious texts are often considered sacred and are treated with respect. Some people also decorate and keep them in special places in their homes or places of worship.