ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious vows

Religious vows are like promises that certain people make to show their dedication to their faith and their community. Think of it like when you promise to clean your room or be nice to your brother or sister. These people promise to live by certain rules and follow certain lifestyles that are important to their religion.

For example, monks and nuns who live in monasteries make religious vows to live a simple life of poverty, chastity, and obedience. This means they don't own a lot of things, they don't get married, and they listen to their leaders in the monastery. They also spend a lot of time praying and doing good things for other people.

Priests and pastors also make religious vows when they are ordained. They promise to serve their congregation, teach them about their faith, and lead them in worship. They also promise to live a good and holy life according to the teachings of their religion.

These religious vows are very important to these people because they help them stay focused on their faith and their mission to serve others. It's like a very important promise that they make to themselves and their community, and they take it very seriously.