ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A reliquary is a special container which holds something very important and special, like a treasure or a piece of history. It can be made out of wood, metal, or even precious stones like diamonds and rubies!

In the olden days, people used reliquaries to hold something even more special: the physical remains of important people who had passed away, like saints or religious leaders. These remains, which might include bones or something else, were thought to be holy and full of powerful energy, and so they were kept safe in reliquaries.

Reliquaries were often shaped like beautiful works of art, and covered in jewels or precious stones. People might light candles or pray in front of a reliquary, because they believed that being close to these holy remains would bring them good luck or even heal them of illnesses.

Today, some people still use reliquaries to hold important items, like family heirlooms or sacred objects. Even though they might not hold bits of human remains anymore, they are still considered to be very special and valuable to many people around the world.