ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Repurposed building stone

Okay kiddo, imagine your mom has a basket of apples that have gone all soft and mushy. She can't eat them anymore, but she doesn't want to throw them away either. So, she thinks of a new way to use them. She'll chop them up, mix them with sugar, and make apple sauce instead! This way, she has found a new purpose for the apples instead of just throwing them away.

A similar thing happens with building stones too. Sometimes, big buildings or structures are built using really strong and hard rocks. But after years of use, these stones might get damaged or the building may not exist anymore – just like your mom's old apples. At this point, the rocks may seem unusable and might end up getting thrown away or abandoned.

However, some people come up with a brilliant idea. They think about how the stones can be used in a new way. They clean them up and shape them into smaller pieces. Then, they reuse them to make something new like walls, pathways, or even beautiful garden decorations!

So, the old building stones are being given a new purpose – they are being "repurposed" into something different and useful. This way, we can prevent wasting resources and help the environment too!