ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Request for permission to withdraw or modify a motion

So, imagine you're playing a game with some friends. Let's say you're playing hide-and-seek. You decide to hide behind a tree, but then you change your mind and want to hide behind a different tree instead.

But your friends have already started looking for you, and you can't just go running around the field without them knowing where you are. So you raise your hand and say "Wait a minute, I want to change my hiding spot. Is that okay with everyone?"

That's kind of like what a request for permission to withdraw or modify a motion is like. When people are discussing something in a meeting and someone suggests a plan or idea (that's called a "motion"), sometimes other people might have a change of heart and want to go in a different direction.

But they can't just change the plan without everyone agreeing, because that would be confusing and unfair. So they have to "ask permission" by raising their hand and saying "I want to withdraw or modify my motion. Is that okay with everyone?"

This way, everyone can talk about the new idea and decide if it's a good one, without people getting confused about what the original plan was. It keeps things fair and organized, just like in our game of hide-and-seek.