ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Respiratory system

Your respiratory system is like the engine of a car that makes sure you can breathe in air and use it for your body. It helps you to take in oxygen, which is a type of gas we need to stay alive, and remove carbon dioxide, which is a type of gas that we don’t need in our body.

Your respiratory system has two main parts: the upper and the lower respiratory system. The upper respiratory system includes your nose, mouth, throat, and voice box. These parts help you to breathe in air, filter out the dust and dirt, and warm up or cool down the air so it’s easier to breathe.

The lower respiratory system includes your lungs and the tubes that lead to them. The lungs are like big sponges that fill up with air when you breathe in and squeeze out the air when you breathe out. The tubes that lead to your lungs are like branches on a tree, and they get smaller and smaller as they get closer to your lungs.

The way your body breathes is by moving air through your nose or mouth, down your throat, and into your lungs. Your lungs then take the oxygen from the air you’ve breathed in and use it to turn food into energy for your body. Then, your body gets rid of the carbon dioxide that’s left over, and you breathe it out.

Your respiratory system is very important for keeping you healthy because it works with your heart and circulatory system to make sure oxygen goes to all parts of your body. This helps you to stay strong and healthy!