ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Retail geography

Okay kiddo, so retail geography is all about how stores are located and spread out in different places. Think of it like a big map of all the stores where people can buy things.

Just like how we have different types of cities and towns, there are different types of retail areas too. Some places have big shopping centers with lots of different stores all in one place, while other areas might have smaller stores spread out along a street.

Retailers also have to think about how easy it is for people to get to their stores. That's why you might see some stores in big, busy cities, while others are located in more rural areas where there aren't as many people around.

Another important thing to think about when it comes to retail geography is competition. Stores don't want to be too close to each other, because they might end up fighting for the same customers. So they need to figure out where the best location is to get as many customers as possible.

Overall, retail geography is all about figuring out the best places to put stores so that they can be successful and make lots of money selling their products.
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