ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Revenue Act of 1978

Hey kiddo! So, back in 1978, some important people in the government made a new law called the "Revenue Act." This law changed some things about how people and companies pay taxes (you know, the money we give to the government to help them make our country better).

One of the big changes was that companies didn't have to pay as much tax on the money they made from selling things. This meant that companies had more money to spend on things like hiring more people and making their products better.

Another change was that people could now put more money into their savings accounts without having to pay as much tax on that money. This was supposed to help people save more money for things like buying a house or going to college.

Overall, the Revenue Act of 1978 was a big deal because it changed the rules about how we pay taxes and how much we have to pay. It helped companies have more money to grow and create jobs, and it helped regular people save more money for the things they wanted to do. Pretty cool, huh?