ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rhombus of Michaelis

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a special shape called the "rhombus of michaelis" in your belly. This shape is made up of four points, kind of like a diamond.

Now, let's talk about why it's special. When mommies and daddies have babies, their belly gets bigger because there is a baby growing inside. The rhombus of michaelis helps the mommy's body adjust to the extra weight of the baby by stretching out the muscles in the lower back and hips.

Sometimes, when the mommy is giving birth, she might feel a lot of pressure on this rhombus shape. This is because the baby is moving through the mommy's pelvis and pushing on this area.

So basically, the rhombus of michaelis is a diamond shape in a mommy's belly that helps her body adjust to the weight of the growing baby and can sometimes be felt during childbirth.