ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rhythms of Resistance

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of music? It's the stuff that makes you want to move and dance! Well, sometimes people use music to express their feelings and stand up for what they believe in. That's called a "rhythm of resistance."

Imagine you and your friends all wanted to stand up for a cause you believed in, like protecting the environment. You could make up a special song and dance to go with it, and then perform it to help get other people interested in your cause too!

Rhythms of resistance can also be used to speak out against things that people don't think are fair or right. It's a kind of peaceful protest where you don't use violence, but you express your opinion strongly through music and dance. So next time you hear a cool song that's trying to make a difference, you'll know it's a rhythm of resistance!