ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me tell you all about rice! Do you know what rice is? It's a type of food that a lot of people around the world eat. It looks like tiny little white or brown grains.

Rice comes from a plant that grows in fields, kind of like a garden. The plant needs water and sunlight to grow. Farmers plant the rice seeds in the field and grow them until they're big enough to harvest, which means they pick the rice from the plant.

After the rice is picked, it needs to be cleaned and dried so that it's ready to eat. Some rice is left with the outside layer on, which is called "brown rice." Other rice is stripped of that layer and becomes "white rice."

When you want to eat rice, you usually cook it in water or broth. You put the rice in a pot with the water or broth, and then you heat it up until the water is absorbed and the rice is soft and fluffy.

A lot of people like to eat rice with other foods, like chicken, vegetables, or beans. Some people even eat rice with sweet things, like cinnamon and sugar.

Rice is a really important food around the world! Lots of people in Asia, Africa, and South America eat rice with most of their meals. It's a great source of energy and nutrients that help people feel strong and healthy.
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