ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Richard Montague

Richard Montague is a man who was really good at studying and understanding language. He looked at the way we use words and sentences to communicate with each other. He wanted to figure out how we could use language to understand the world around us better.

In order to do this, he came up with some rules that help us understand how language works. These rules can tell us things like which words go together and what they mean when they do. They can also help us figure out the meaning of a sentence even if we've never heard it before.

One of the really cool things about Montague's rules is that they can be used by computers to understand language too! This is because computers can read and analyze language using the same rules that humans do.

Montague's work has helped us understand how language works and how we can use it to communicate more effectively. So, he's a pretty important guy in the world of language and linguistics!