ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Richard Savage (poet)

Sure! Richard Savage was a man who lived a very long time ago, before you or even your parents were born! He was a poet which means he wrote poems. Do you know what poems are? Poems are like really cool stories but they don't always have to rhyme.

Now, Richard Savage wasn't your typical poet. He had a very difficult life. He was actually born out of wedlock, which means his mom and dad weren't married when he was born. And back in those days, that was a really big deal!

Richard's mom was actually in prison when she gave birth to him. And when she got out, she had a really hard time taking care of him. They were really poor and struggled a lot.

As Richard grew older, he tried to make a living by writing poetry. But that was really hard too because not a lot of people wanted to read his work. He also made some poor choices in his life and ended up going to jail a few times.

Eventually, Richard's life came to a really sad end. He died in his early 30s and didn't have a lot of money or people to help him.

But even though Richard Savage had a really tough life, some people still think he was a really great poet. In fact, a lot of people still read his work today!